Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Jack o' (late) Lanterns

We once again did not make it to a pumpkin patch, but I did go to Tacoma Boys and get two little pumpkins for Kate and Andy. We were so busy on the 30th and 31st that we just ran out of time, but I'd told Kate we were going to carve them (she seemed very interested in the idea of cutting holes in the pumpkins to make faces--apparently she didn't remember our previous pumpkin carving experience two years ago). So we went ahead and did it on November 1st. (Now see, you never would have known if I hadn't just admitted it in public.)

We bundled Andy up and took his travel crib outside, so he could watch the proceedings. He thought this was very cool. (Doug was on camera duty, and he didn't think he could hold Andy and take pictures at the same time. Having done this, I would have to agree that it is kind of tricky.)

Kate drew the face on her pumpkin. I believe this was her first experience using a writing utensil on a vegetable. (Okay, actually a fruit.)

I added centers to the eyes, but everything else is just the way Kate drew it.

Kate drew on Andy's pumpkin too, but she ended up with something that I couldn't really carve, so I just improvised.

Ta da!


  1. Cool. I especially like Kates. Don'tcha just feel that way sometimes? :D

  2. Oops--knowing that an English major will be looking at this--sorry I forgot to write Kate's.

  3. Kate's pumpkin is really cute.

  4. I think Kate's going to be an artist. What a way cool pumpkin!!!

  5. I love that lopsided face!!! Too cute. :D


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