Saturday, November 21, 2009

Around the Bike Path

There's a bike path near our house that runs alongside the highway for a stretch. It's noisy, but not a bad place for a walk. Kate likes to pretend she's a dinosaur who has a nest in the tall grass. On this Friday afternoon (October 2) we all went out for a walk together. Kate wanted to wear her backpack, for some reason.

I had Andy in the Snugli. (He's snuggly!)

Whatever kind of dinosaur Kate was pretending to be, it's a herbivore.

Andy thinks his sister is funny.

Kate and Dad check out an ant hill.

Kate likes stomping through the tall grass.

I like this one. Kate was so busy the whole time that I could barely get her to look at me.


  1. Such a sweet set of photos!

  2. That last shot, especially, is fabulous!


Thanks for stopping by! We love comments!

(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)