Sunday, November 22, 2009

Andy at 40 weeks

Taken October 3. With special guest star, Big Sister!

Andy was sad because he wanted to play with my camera strap.

Still not happy.

I love the Excited Baby face--the "Ooooooh! Ooooooh!" and the flapping. It's just so fun.

I know I ended up with way too many pictures here, but they were all just so cute.

And Kate up (too) close!


  1. Buckeye Kinfolk11:06 AM

    Love the pictures of your cuties. You can't post too many. Jean V.O.

  2. Oh, really some marvelous ones here-- the one where he's looking at Kate, a couple of them together, and that last one of Kate is terrific, too! (heh, the captcha today is "quests")

  3. Ditto my Mom's comment! :)

    word verification
    gagru - a baby guru

  4. I love that excited one of Andy. Totally adorable.

  5. Ditto Jean and Julie. I'm glad you can post so many. :D

  6. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Oh my gosh - your kids are adorable!


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)