Sunday, August 09, 2009


While in Ohio we developed a nighttime ritual: we'd get Kate into her pajamas, then put her shoes back on and run around in the front yard catching fireflies for a while before bed. She didn't actually manage to catch any herself till our second-to-last night there, but she had a great time chasing them around.

Aren't those watermelon pajamas cute?

There are a lot of things to learn about catching fireflies--like, the best time is right as it's getting dark, so you can still see them between blinks. And the way they always seem to go straight up and hover for a second, and then zoom off sideways.

Doug shows one to Andy.

It takes off...

... and lights up! (Lucky shot!)

Here's another lucky shot that I got of one in flight. I think it was either just starting to glow or had just finished. You could go through a lot of pixels, chasing these little guys around with a camera!


  1. Oh wow! Can't believe you got the glow--awesome!

  2. How cool! I've never seen fireflies in person!

  3. Wow! Way cool! I've never seen a firefly let alone caught one. What a fun experience for Miss Kate (who is getting so big!)

  4. Very cool! I've never seen a firefly!

  5. Awesome! I love the last two shots you were able to capture.

  6. The glowing shots are awesome! I think it's sad we done have fireflies where we live...but I'm glad we don't have the humidity that goes with the areas of the country that have fireflies. :) Kate and Andy are just adorable.

  7. I hate how my kids never have experienced fire flies. It is part of childhood to chase them and put them in the jar.

  8. That is a lucky and amazing shot! I've only seen fireflies once, they are magical indeed.

  9. i love all things watermelon


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