Saturday, August 08, 2009

Engineer Haircuts

During our Ohio visit I thought I'd take advantage of my dad's mad engineering skills and have him cut my hair. I was just going to take off a few inches, but Betsey was cutting hers to donate, so I decided to do it too. (I was kind of surprised that it had grown enough to donate again in just two years--must be those prenatal vitamins!)

Here's the "before" picture (Betsey's on the left--she's not really taller than me; she's standing a bit uphill).

(Lovely shot of the top of Dad's head.) Betsey was wearing this shirt with horizontal stripes, and as Dad measured and started cutting, he said, "Hey, this is easy!" Ha. So when it was my turn I put on the shirt too. (When Kate saw me in Betsey's shirt, she said, "Who is that? Are you Mama?")

You're supposed to have at least ten inches to donate, so I told Dad eleven inches, thinking that would take care of the uneven ends. He measured it at eleven inches from the shortest part, so it ended up a little shorter than I was expecting. It's not long enough to stay put behind my shoulders, but just long enough to get in the way.

I didn't really get an "after" shot, but you'll see it in future posts. (Soon!)


  1. How wonderful that you and Betsey donated your hair!

  2. Anonymous9:32 PM

    =) Can't wait to see the after shot!

  3. I envy your hair growing abilities. :D Cool you get to donate like that.

  4. Helen in Australia1:54 AM

    You realise that there are a whole bunch of people waiting for the next post!!!

  5. Hi Helena,

    You could also post the picture from my blog that shows you holding up your cut-off pony tail.

  6. Oh my goodness, that's a lot of hair to cut off! I think it's great... it probably feels so much lighter and it's for such a great cause. Way to go!


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