Thursday, July 30, 2009

We're breaking records

... and it's not a good thing!

How do you like that steaming thermometer icon? I notice that now the forecast says 98, so perhaps it won't be quite that bad. But it reportedly did hit 103 yesterday. This in a place where we think the high 80's are sweltering, and hardly anyone has air conditioning at home.

We've been airing the house out in the morning, then buttoning everything up--drapes closed, bedroom and bathroom doors closed, kitchen windows covered, lights off, fans running, cooking kept to an absolute minimum. It doesn't get really unbearable till about 4:00.

We've had to put a moratorium on tag games, but we do have four Tinkertoy windmills spinning away in front of the fan. Wheee!

We were just in Portland this past weekend for Doug's brother Brian's wedding. It was hot there too!


  1. So sorry to hear about the hot weather. I have heard about it on the radio. I don't envy you at all. I won't tell you about beautiful Michigan. All the best.

  2. That's crazy for Washington! Hope it cools down for you soon!


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