Friday, July 31, 2009

Retail Therapy

Let's say you know it's supposed to get really hot, and you've gotten a notice that your power is going to be turned off for a few hours in the afternoon, so you won't be able to use your fans. The obvious solution is to find a nice, air-conditioned place to escape to.

So, where do you choose to go?

Let me guess...

...did you pick...



That apparently was not the choice of most of the local populace, since Ikea was pleasantly un-crowded. We had dinner in the cafeteria, and picked up a few little things. Kate likes the play room, the stuffed animals, and the yellow kid's computer kiosk.

We had a little trouble getting home, as the car was overheating (Doug will be dealing with that today) but everything worked out okay. We saw no signs of the power actually having been off.

Seeing the model apartment setups at Ikea makes me want to clean up and organize. They're so neat and free of clutter, and nary a cardboard box to be seen. I suppose there may be people who actually live that way. They probably don't have kids. Or projects.

It's lovely and cool right now! Ahhhhhh!


  1. Oh, I just love Ikea... we used to go there as kids--drove all the way up to Zurich from the Geneva area. Big trip for us kids, and then we got to play all day... and came home with bunkbeds!

  2. I love IKEA as well - sounds fantastically cool.

    Hope the car is a cheap fix.

  3. Anonymous5:37 PM

    I swear to God I must be the only one on the planet that has never been to an Ikea. Why can't they build one around here?

  4. *sigh* - that was me above there. I forgot my name. What else is new?

  5. I've never been in Ikea either. I'm glad you enjoy going there. Sounds like a handy place when you need it.

  6. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Ikea is the best! There's this one display that's only 10 ping (gosh, that's what... ummm... 330 square feet) and it's set up perfectly. I could live there without kids!

  7. I approve of your choice of heat avoiding places to be. Ikea is just fun to roam around.

  8. I totally would have chosen IKEA if I actually had that choice. :)

    Man, I miss that place!


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