Saturday, March 07, 2009

Braids and Curls

I've been braiding Kate's hair at night to keep it from getting tangled. Sometimes I curl the ends by laying the ponytail holder along a pencil, wrapping the hair around, and fastening. This is what it looks like when we take the braids out:

Kate does have a slight wave to her hair (she gets that from her daddy), so it holds the curl better than mine does.


  1. *chuckles* She looks pretty darn pleased with herself, too!

  2. Awwwwwwwwwww!!!! Braids! Hehe. Darling!

  3. Good Lookin' Curls there Kate!

    Love, Grandma

  4. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Beautiful! I should start braiding Jaylene's hair to stop tangles. Not sure it would hold curls though.

  5. Wow, she is looking sooo grown up in these pictures! Love the curls.


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