Sunday, March 08, 2009

Blankie and Binky

Isn't this just adorable?


  1. Definitely adorable!

  2. little one is almost two and is STILL attached. Good is cute though.

  3. A-w-w-w-w. So sweet

  4. Anonymous4:50 PM

    So cute! Jaylene held on to hers for years and years, and Jayden gave up his without blinking. We brought his out again this weekend, figuring he could safely chew on that instead of everything else he was putting in his mouth. Didn't quite work.

  5. I love it when they have a binky and a blankie... Andy looks so cute and cozy! I've actually encouraged each of my kids to have a blankie and they all took to it and loved having their blankie. I like it because even after the binky is gone they still have their blankie to snuggle with and eventually, like Ethan did, one day will decide they're too big for it and you pack it with their keepsake stuff so they'll still have it forever.

  6. Aw, very cute! :)


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