Sunday, January 04, 2009

Sleeping Like a Baby

I was right about this little guy being a good sleeper. He is such a good sleeper that it's kind of alarming. We have to keep checking on him to make sure he's okay.

And here's the "waking up and rooting" portion of our program:

Yep, we think he's pretty cute!


  1. Oh wow, that is so adorable--I just love how you caught that whole sequence so perfectly. Hilarious--and he really is cute!

  2. He is absolutely beautiful! I don't know how you can get anything done-- I would do nothing all day but look at that face!

  3. Absolutely darling--the whole sequence. I especially love the one with the wrinkly forehead.

    I know what you mean though about being alarmed when he sleeps so long. When babies do that it's always a relief to find out that they're OK.

    Helena, I suspect Andy takes after you. We have hardly any pictures of you when you were tiny because you were asleep for most of the first 6 months of your life! Actually this was a good thing because Kirsten was (as Midge Gordon used to say) that breed of dinosaur called a "Crackadawn." She'd be awake and rarin' to go at 5:00 a.m. and didn't sleep much during the day. Kids are all SO different.

    Love, Mom

  4. Such an adorable little guy! I hope the good sleeping continues! :)

  5. Anonymous9:18 AM

    He is such a beautiful baby - his skin is amazing. I remember being alarmed when Samantha would sleep for so long, too. :)

  6. What a beautiful sequence of photos. TFS!

  7. Sigh. So adorable.

  8. Oh my cuteness. I wish I could snuggle him. We used to call Q the 'rootin' tootin' cowboy'. He was always hungry. And always farting.

  9. >Sigh<... he is just darling!

  10. Oh, so darling. He makes some of the same expressions as Hazel. That's nice that he sleeps so well.

  11. I love all the pics you got! He is really too cute. I was always cheking on my babies to make sure they were still breathing!

  12. He's so bald and cute. I can't wait to see him

  13. He's gorgeous! You guys make really cute babies!

  14. He is gorgeous, congratulations!! I want to squish him! !!

  15. I am offically in love! I have got to go find a baby to squeeze after these pictures!!

  16. Beautiful pictures of a beautiful boy. So, so sweet!

  17. I love these pictures! Makes me miss nursing my babies :)

  18. He sure looks like a charmer. He looks very alert and happy with himself. Our little guy is only about three weeks older. . .such amazing times.


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