Tuesday, January 06, 2009


Kate has, quite suddenly and out of the blue, starting drawing things that look like things. As Doug said, "One day it's squiggles and snakes and the next day it's actual giraffes." I took some pictures of a few of her creations last week.

This is a giraffe on a cliff. (See his horns?)

Kate tells me these are dinosaurs. One of them is eating grass.

This is a giraffe with a big head, and a baby giraffe.

Here we have a big giraffe (with many legs) and a baby giraffe, both eating grass; a snake, and a fish. That big lobed thing with the spikes is a cactus.

Still more giraffes. The big giraffe has a turtle on his back, and Super Giraffe on his upper back. We think Super Giraffe is wearing a cape. The thing down in the corner is their house, and they all have lines connecting them to it, showing that they go into the house.

She did this one a couple of days ago: Mama Crab and Daddy Crab. Aren't they cute? We are impressed.


  1. Anonymous11:15 AM

    I'm impressed that mama crab has eyelashes and daddy crab doesn't.

  2. Wow. Those drawings show lots of imagination, and skill. The amount of detail is amazing. My favorite are the crabs, just because they have cute expressions. Awwww.

    Kate, you do great work! Love, Grandma

  3. How fun! Yay for all the giraffes! Did she get the idea from your painting?

    I agree--the eyelashes are quite impressive.

  4. Totally dinosaurs! I remember drawings that looked like that!

    What a lovely artist you have!

  5. WOW, these are darling.....and I can totally see her descriptions fitting. My favorite is the Mama and Daddy Crab.......all frame worthy for sure!

  6. Wow! Those are really good and cute. We have some fun ones that Mitch has drawn of us, not quite as advanced as these. I love it when he gives us extra arms or legs! Now if only I could learn how to use the scanner I should post some to our blog as well.

  7. Bravo to Kate! I love that they have lines to thier home! And what giraffe doesn't need more legs?


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