Monday, December 15, 2008

Giraffe Painting

I finished my painting! Hooray! I made this for my sister Barb (who has finally started a blog). I started it on conference weekend and it sat on our kitchen table for two months. I'd had the painting bug for a while, and knew I wanted to do something, but then I was severely distracted in the middle by that whole Japanese crochet thing. (Doug was very patient about having a painting on the kitchen table!)

I used a photo I found online, but it ended right above the mother's eye, so I extrapolated those parts from a couple other photos.

In progress pictures:

(I changed some of Mama's spots right at the end.)

When I've used acrylics before (mostly for details on murals) I've been frustrated with how quickly the paint dries out right after I get the colors mixed up the way I want them. I got a Masterson Sta-Wet Palette, which worked pretty well.

It has a sponge at the bottom, and special paper that helps keep the paint wet. I was able to do a little at a time, close the palette back up, and then come back to it, and work on it gradually throughout the day. Not so great if you're going to get distracted and leave it for 4-5 days at a time.

Here's the finished product!

It's 12"x24". After I got started on it I realized it might have been better a little smaller. Hopefully Barb has a good place for it!

Of course, when I paint, Kate wants to paint too. Here we are working together:

And some of Kate's creations! We have these taped up on the wall over her bed.


  1. Thanks for my pretty painting! It was a fabulous surprise and I LOVE it. I think we do have a good place to put it too.

  2. Absolutely delightful--and the two of you are so cute together!

  3. That's so awesome! Beautiful job!

    And, is Kate a lefty? My oldest is.

  4. Mimi--I'm not sure yet. She still kind of switches back and forth. My dad's a lefty.

  5. That is beautiful!!!!! Love Kate's work too:). Hehe.

  6. Anonymous2:56 PM

    You have a real gift! Beautiful!

  7. What a wonderful gift! And that's so cute, the photo of the two of you painting together.

  8. Oh wow, you are so very talented! You really captured such a sweet relationship between Mama and baby giraffe!

  9. Amazing! Is there anything you don't do well? Gorgeous painting, what a lucky sister!

  10. I love how happy Kate looks. That is such a sweet picture of y'all.

  11. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Awww that's so sweet

  12. Woah you never cease to amaze me! Stunning work! Happy holidays to your family (and an extra cuddle that cutest Kate)!

  13. wow Helena, that is really beautiful! Thanks for sharing!


  14. Wow!! That is absolutely GORGEOUS! I'm SO envious of artists and their talent. I cannot draw one single bit. A close friend of mine is an artist in WI and I just LOVE admiring her work!

  15. That is absolutely beautiful!! You are very talented. Love Kate's creations too.

  16. beautiful! lucky sister! ;)

  17. Helena! Wow, I thought it was a photo. Just incredible. I'm speechless.

  18. Stunning. Fabulous. Barb told me you sent her a giraffe painting, but WOW. It's really something.

    Love, Mom

  19. Anonymous7:20 PM

    That's fabulous. I'm amazed at the patience you have for these things. For some reason my computer at home won't let me comment on your blog =(

  20. I was admiring your amazing work and I showed it to Tyler, too... he just couldn't figure out how someone could sit at their kitchen table and paint like this. We both looked at it for a long time... admiring how beautiful and amazing it is and how truly talented you are!

  21. P.S. We especially enjoyed the last picture of you and Kate side by side painting together... so cute! We love that you're both grinning and painting, just so happy. Kate's artwork is quite impressive actually.

  22. That painting is just beautiful!

  23. WOW -- Your painting is just beautiful!!! One thing I wish I could do - draw, paint, least I have rubber stamps :-) Maybe your daughter will follow in your footsteps!

  24. Anonymous12:43 PM

    absolutely gorgeous painting helena!

  25. That is so awesome! I really wish i could paint like that!

  26. I don't know what I like better: the giraffe painting or the picture of the two of you painting together. And if someone were giving *me* an amazing painting like this...I'd make room for it no matter how big (or small) it was. You are an amazing woman and I am in awe!

  27. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Beautiful! Do you ever paint them to sell? I'd love to buy one in honor of my mother. She absolutely loved giraffes!
    Ty, Beth


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)