Friday, June 06, 2008

Queen of June

At the elementary school that I attended in Ohio, the playground was always covered with clover the last few weeks of school. We used to spend recess sitting in the grass making clover chains. There's something about seeing a nice stand of clover that still makes my fingers itch.

Wednesday Kate and I were outside, and I found some lovely long-stemmed clover. I just couldn't resist. I found some other fun things to use, too--not wrapping the stems, just sticking them in and wrapping the clover around them. It worked out well and held together nicely. (The long stems help.)

When I put it on Kate she said, "I'm the king!" So after that, of course, I had to go in and get the camera and take some pictures. I had the usual trouble getting Kate to actually look at me, and ended up with a lot of shots of the back of her head.

Here she's checking out a ladybug.

I won't even attempt to describe the kind of noises I had to make to get her to look at me. (Saying "Kate!" produces absolutely no effect at all. Perhaps I could try random words, like "popsicle!" or "triceratops!")

This is my favorite. Awww! (More screen-saver material for Grandma!)

There were a few big daisies, too, but I didn't find them till after I'd finished the wreath. That would be pretty.


  1. Oh my, breathtakingly darling! As sweet as the clover tastes...

  2. can we hire you to do the hair wreaths for myka's wedding like in twenty years? that is amazing that you can just whip that together- and looks so 'medievally' (sp?) beautiful.

  3. Anonymous3:41 PM

    She is gorgeous! I've heard about photographers who put altered PEZ dispensers in their hot shoe and than direct their attention to the cartoon character. Want me to send you a Hello Kitty one?

  4. So cute! It's interesting, I think of clover as being much smaller than those flowers. Maybe my head is just bigger?

  5. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Beautiful... and kind of Brian Froudian, too. What a gorgeous wreath!

  6. Thanks for the screen-saver fodder.

    Love, Mom

  7. Soooo cute! So what do you do to hold them together? Do you braid or tie knots or poke holes in the stems and string the others through?

  8. Karen--it's all wrapping. I can show you when we're out there. It works with the little daisies, too.

  9. Oooo! I miss clover! Haven't seen any here in South Korea. What a darling girl!!

  10. Beautiful pictures... Kate is so natural in front of the camera and always looks so happy.


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)