Monday, June 09, 2008


I had an ultrasound today, and came home with pictures! You can see the baby's profile, and a little hand up by the face.

This one isn't as clear but you can see the umbilical cord, which is kind of cool.

The baby's measuring 10 1/2 weeks, which gives us a due date of December 31, or thereabouts.

Things have been going well. I haven't had the really bad food aversions like I did with Kate, which certainly makes eating easier. I get a little queasy or light-headed at times, but it's not too bad.

We are pretty amazed by this whole thing. We tried for a few years before having Kate, and then I found out I had cystic ovaries and got on metformin. (I only had to take it for a month and it worked right away.) This one came about completely unassisted. Must be a little one who really wants to come to our family!


  1. The incredible privilege of that technology still astounds me... what wonderful sights! Best wishes for the rest of the year... =)

  2. Awww. Any feelings about who this little person is?

    Love, Mom

  3. Awesome! So beautiful!

  4. Congratulations again! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Of course he/she wantes to come to your family! Who wouldn't?

  6. Very cool!... enjoyed hearing your story.

  7. Awwwwww, s/he is SO cute, Helena!!! I'm so glad to hear you're not having some of the first trimester issues you had with Kate. Those were the things that made me really not enjoy pregnancy and really, it's something that SHOULD be enjoyed!

  8. We're due at the same time! They gave me 12/27 as my due date. How amazing it is! Congratulations!

  9. I HAD NO IDEA!! Congratulations, I am so thrilled for you! What lovely news.


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)