Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day, and a sweater

Happy Mother's Day!

Today was Kate's first time singing with the Primary kids in Sacrament Meeting. When I say "singing" I use the term loosely--singing in this case consisted of standing up there grinning, holding a yellow tulip and waving it up and down in time to the music. She didn't know either of the songs. (I told Doug we'll have to start teaching her "I'm so glad when Daddy comes home.") She was pretty cute, though.

Here's our traditional Mother's Day photo:

Kate has a bruise on her cheek. We went out to eat this last week, and she kept sliding down under the table, and then bonked her face on the table leg. Ouch! It's looking rather greenish now.

I just finished crocheting this little sweater for Kate. I did most of it during General Conference at the beginning of April, and just got all the ends worked in this week. I found a picture of the scalloped flower stitch online (I can't remember where, now. Edit: found it!), and then made up the rest of the pattern.

I wasn't sure if it was really going to fit, but it seems to work okay! Here it is on Kate.


  1. Happy Mother's Day, Helena! Kate is extremely blessed to have you for her mom.

    I hope you're feeling well. When is your baby due?

  2. Hi Helena,

    Loved the pictures, and the crochet. WOW. That's really neat. Your great grandmother, Ellen Bystrom, was talented in that way too. She did crochet, but also did quite a bit of tatting.

    Love, Mom

  3. Anonymous5:30 AM

    Amazing sweater... deciding if I can still be your friend... I guess so. But it might help if you could show a project that went wrong once in a while =P

  4. Ah! But if something isn't going well I rip it out and start over.


    Baby's probably due around Christmas, but I'll see what they say at my appointment tomorrow.

  5. Happy Mother's Day! (a little late) That is a beautiful sweater and looks darling on Kate.

  6. What a beautiful sweater! good job!

  7. Adorable pics and great job on the sweater Helena!

  8. Oh WOW, that sweater is amazing, and even more so since you just "made up" the pattern... =) I betcha that would make a nice digi design, too!

  9. Great job on the sweater Helena!

  10. Adorable sweater, I hope Kate treasures it always and will pass it down to her little girl one day.

  11. Helena that sweater is amazing - so beautiful and I love this last picture of Kate. She is adorable and looking SO grown up. And holy cow, congrats on your pregnancy! Wonderful news. I hope you're feeling well and have an uneventful 9 months!


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