Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Children's Day

We did the Korean thing for Children's Day (yesterday) and went down to the park to take pictures in front of the flowers. The Japanese garden makes a great backdrop. (And they do Children's Day in Japan, too, so that's appropriate.) It was a lovely day--warm enough to run around in our shirtsleeves, but with a nice high bright overcast that made for good photo lighting.

Kate enjoyed going across these stepping stones with a little help from Daddy.

The obligatory flower shot.

We played Pooh Sticks (Pooh Cones?) on the bridge with cedar cones and fir cones and various other cones. (Doug's picky about his cone identification--his dad was in the forest service.)

We went over by the playground where there were tons of these little daisies growing all over. While Doug and Kate played on the slides I made a quick daisy chain and adorned Kate with it.

I think she liked it but I couldn't really get her to smile. When it fell off she tried to replace it by herself, with amusing results. (And then it broke.)

This is not a standard Children's Day activity. In Korea, if you put flowers in your hair it means you're crazy. Shhhhh!

We went down to the beach and played in the sand for a bit, and met some cute kids who shared Kate's sand toys. (And the little boy didn't even complain when Kate dumped a shovelful of sand on his head.)

And here's our special surprise for Children's Day! :)


  1. Anonymous6:20 PM

    You don't know me from anyone, but I'm a fellow Pea and I read your blog because you and Doug seem as obsessed with words and language as my husband and I. :) Just wanted to wish you hearty congratulations and a healthy and uneventful pregnancy!

  2. Anonymous6:39 PM

    EEEE! Helena, congratulations! I'm so excited for you!

  3. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Congrats on the great news! All the best to you and Doug and big sister Kate!

  4. Congratulations to my old dMarie and Pea friend!

  5. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Oh, I'm so happy for you! Congratulations!

  6. Wow, what exciting news!! I'm really happy for you guys. Congratulations!

    Once again, beautiful pictures. I especially like the one of Kate with the ring of flowers on her head.

  7. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Helena!! Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you guys!

  8. Oh my!!!! Fabulous, and congratulations!

    And that photo of Kate in the daisy field is really breathtaking; the picture of her not smiling is gorgeous.

  9. Gorgeous photos! You have such a lovely model.

    Congratulations on the new little one as well.

  10. Congrats! that's so exciting!

    when are you due??

  11. Anonymous1:23 AM

    Congratulations! That's wonderful news!

  12. Squee!!! I'm so happy for you, Helena! Congratulations. And the photos are simply beautiful.

  13. Anonymous5:46 AM

    Oh!!! I'm so happy for y'all!!! :)

    Sorry I haven't e-mailed you back about the digi stuff. Things are beyond crazy here. Maybe I'll try a phone call later tonight.

  14. Woo Hoo! That's so great Helena! Especially since your little one will be so close in age to the cousins. My sister had her baby the other day (a month early) and it makes me happy about my Elizabeth all over again. Babies are wonderful (even when they're not)


  15. Whohoooooo! What a lovely Children's Day gift! Congratulations and know you will be in my prayers for a healthy pregnancy!

  16. Congratulations!!! Betsey looked really stunned when she came in and exclaimed "Helena's pregnant! Look at her blog!"

    Wow. Super neat. I love Karen's comment about babies being great even when they're not.

    The pictures are wonderful. The one of Kate on the bridge by herself is lovely. And I love Pooh sticks!

    Love, Mom

  17. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Yay Nayna!!!

    I agree with Karen's comment--I'm so excited that we'll have three little cousins all close to the same age!! Yay!

    I love the picture of Kate on the bridge, it is so beautiful.

    Congratulations again. I guess you and I can have fun not going on roller coasters together if we all go to Knott's Berry Farm in June. =)

  18. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Congratulations, Naena!!! I'm excited. ^__^

    (I think it says something that we all found out from looking at your blog...)

  19. Congrats!!! What a blessing.

  20. As I was reading this post, I noticed how grown up Kate was looking and briefly wondered if you guys would have another.
    Guess I don't have to wonder!
    Congratulations! I am so happy for both you & Doug. And Kate too!

  21. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Helena!!!! YIPPEE!! I am so excited for your family!!!! Big Congrats from the east coast to the west coast!

  22. OMG!!!!!! Helena, I'm beyond thrilled for you!!! Congratulations! When are you due???

  23. Anonymous1:08 AM

    Beautiful photos... and congratulations! A new little Katelet!

    (I'm a firm believer that having two kids is easier than having one. Not sure why that would be.)

  24. Congratulations Helena! :)

  25. Congratulations! I haven't been on 2peas in FOREVER, but stopped by tonight and when I saw a post of yours I had to click on your blog, haven't been here in forever either! I said to myself, I wonder if she ever had another baby??? And low and behold you are pregnant!

  26. Congrats! I'm so happy for you & can't wait to see more beautiful baby pictures.

  27. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Congratulations, very exciting news.

    Great pictures. Love the one of the bridge.

  28. Anonymous4:51 AM

    Oh wow; I'm so thrilled for you guys! May you be blessed with a peaceful and pleasant pregnancy, and a future filled with joy and fun photos (and blog comments with a lot less alliteration!)

  29. This is FANTASTIC!!
    Congratulations, Helena (and of course Doug)!!

  30. CONGRATS Jole Family! I'm so excited for you all. Is Kate excited to be a big sister?

  31. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Ohhhhh! Congratulations!!


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