Friday, March 28, 2008


I picked up my camera to get a picture of the snow today (yes, snow) and it wouldn't turn on. I swapped out the battery and did get it to power on, but it wouldn't do anything else. I took it down to Abolins (local camera shop), and the guy there said he'd never seen anything like it. He's going to pull the back off and see if anything's loose, and if not he'll send it in to Canon and get an estimate. So I am camera-less. This will definitely limit my designing options for a while.

And we just found out a couple of days ago that Doug only has one class this quarter. He had two lined up, and was trying to pick up a third somewhere else, but not having any luck. (I guess enrollment is down?) Then we learned that they'd had to give one of his classes to somebody else, since one of the full-time faculty had a class canceled, so they made it up from the part-time pool. So Doug will be looking for some other kind of work. If anyone knows of anything in the area, we'd appreciate any suggestions!


  1. Oh no! I'm so sorry. Hugs, prayers and love.

  2. Oh gee, I'm so sorry about both those things! I know about the teaching first-hand, though--hope there's a community college or two around!

  3. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Oh Helena, I'm sorry! I hope things work out for you, Doug and your camera soon. Jim just got a full-time job--what, eight months after we moved here?--and it's rough on every front to have a working-less-than-he'd-like husband. I feel for you.


Thanks for stopping by! We love comments!

(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)