Friday, March 28, 2008

Cousin Squidge and Cousin Pudge

Challenge #7 of the Amazing Digi Scrapping Race was a real doozy. I think just about everybody, upon first reading the requirements, experienced something of a sinking feeling. It was a "number crunch" challenge with two parts. I chose to do the first part, "messy," using one paper, two ribbons, three buttons, four glitter doodles, five frames, six pictures, seven alphas, eight flowers, nine staples, and ten random elements, all from one designer. I used all my own stuff, and had to make a few things on the spot for this challenge. Fortunately we could use the same element more than once to make up the required number.

(full credits here)

This was really a challenge. Definitely not my usual style, but it was fun. (Doug was looking at it and said, "This is going to be really busy, isn't it?") The hardest thing was the title. I spent a bit too long on that. I made a paper bag flower that I was really pleased with (it matches the frames). It's going in the April mega kit.

The title requires some explanation. We invented the word "squidge" to describe what Kate would do when she was kind of fussy and squirmy. (Sometimes we call her Squidgeon, or Squidgit.) These pictures were taken three years ago, when we were visiting my family in Ohio. My sister Betsey has this cute little dog, Angie, who is her "baby," so she decided that Kate and Angie were cousins. Hence Cousin Squidge and Cousin Pudge. (Angie has gotten a bit snappish in her old age, so these may be the only pictures we ever get of the two of them together!)

I worked on this one for a few of days, got it done with about an hour to spare before the deadline, and then threw together a layout for challenge #8 in about twenty minutes. Fortunately this one was a lot easier!

A memorable vacation experience, one-word title, black and white photos, journaling incorporating song lyrics, and no travel-related embellishments. Easy, yes? It certainly could have been more elaborate, but it was nice to be able to go minimalist on this one.

So I successfully completed the challenges for the week, but, sadly, I lost my partner. Karin was having internet problems and didn't get hers done. I'm teaming up with somebody else who also lost her partner. I was thinking about just dropping out, since I've got a big project that I'm trying to get finished in the next week or so, but I guess I'll stick with it.

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