Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Waiting for Spring

I'm told that the groundhog saw his shadow. In the meantime, here's a rose from last year.


  1. Thanks for the smile on this rainy day!

  2. If that groundhog saw his shadow, does that mean we have 6 more weeks of winter, or a month and a half?

    Love the rose!

  3. What a beautiful rose. I was looking at pictures from last summer this afternoon and it seemed so weird to me, seeing the world in color. I love winter...but it is always nice to see color again, too. This morning I found 8 little snow-crocus tips poking out from the snow. Six weeks or no...spring (and color!) will come again, right??? And, your pics of Kate in the snow are darling!!!

  4. Anonymous2:30 PM

    The rosebush my brother gave me for Christmas has started budding in the dark at the top of the basement stairs. Spring needs to come soon so I can get it in the ground, but I hear spring doesn't show up until early April here. Sigh...


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