Thursday, January 31, 2008

How to make a snow angel

We had snow on Monday! We've had some flurries (even some rather heavy flurries) but this was the most snow we've had this winter. It didn't last long!

Doug's morning classes were canceled, and the kids in the complex were on a two-hour delay. (I guess the roads were slippery.) We got Kate all bundled up and went out to play in the snow. She got to use her cute pink boots that she got for her birthday.

The snow on the trees was so pretty!

Kate and Daddy made a snowman. Err... snow bunny.

Some of the neighbor kids (Oleg, Tram, and Carol) were out playing, too, and riding Oleg's disk sled down the hill by the Seventh-Day Adventist church right behind our complex. Kate got to ride on Oleg's sled, too.

The kids made snow angels in the (very empty) church parking lot. Kate was admiring the snow angels and wanted to make one too, so Doug helped her. I made this layout of the pictures:

(Credits here)

It was pretty sunny while we were out and the snow was starting to melt already. By the next day it was raining and the snow was all gone. It was fun while it lasted!


  1. Very pretty pictures and a nice LO. It looks like you guys had fin in the snow.

  2. The snow bunny is too cool! I love the snow angel layout. Your artwork is amazing. The Mo Willems books are a crowd favorite with my friend, Kim. I'll check them out at the library. I'm a Kevin Henkes fan, but there is always room for another great book!

  3. Fabulous photos. My DD would love that snow.

  4. What an adorable layout!!

  5. Anonymous1:39 PM

    What great photos and layout! Looks like you all had lots of fun! :)

  6. How fun! I'm glad Kate got to experience that much snow in such a fun way. Great layouts.

    Love, Mom

  7. LOVE the snowbunny!!!

  8. Anonymous6:16 AM

    What adorable photos! I love the layout of Kate and Doug making snow angels. What sweet memories to cherish.

  9. Kate is such a doll I am glad she got to play in the snow. Wade calls snow angels snow ninjas I am not sure where that came from but itsvery 4 year old boy.


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