Monday, February 11, 2008

Seven for Monday

A few largely-unrelated things that I have nowhere else to post about:

1. The Primary thing isn't going so well. Kate hasn't been staying more than a few minutes before she wants to come back to the nursery to be with me. The past two weeks she didn't go to Primary at all. (I'm sure the only reason she wants to come in the nursery is because I'm there.) But she's little. There's time.

2. This afternoon we took Kate to Odyssey and spent two hours crawling through tunnels and ball pits. My knees are killing me.

3. Mpix is now carrying standouts. I am so pleased. I was looking for something like this a while back and couldn't find what I wanted. Just the thing for picture walls.

4. I asked Kate today if she would like to go swimming some time, and she said, "But I don't swim!"

5. I just happened to see that today is Mo Willem's birthday. Happy birthday, Mr. Willems!

6. Kate has apparently decided that pigeons say "honk." I have no idea where she got that from. I'm sure I never told her pigeons honk.

7. The Great South Gate in Seoul (Nam Dae Mun), Korea's National Treasure #1, was destroyed in a fire yesterday. A suspect has confessed to arson. So, so sad. At the time we were in Korea the gate wasn't open to the public, but we went past it many times. What a tragedy and a crime.


  1. I agree, there's time. She is *just* three.

    I saw that on the news, how tragic.

    "But I don't swim" how cute is that?

  2. Something you may not know - When the gate caught on fire Korean officals made the fire brigade stay outside and fight the fire from the street because they were concerned that the fire brigade may damage the gate. Ooops they forgot that the fire damaged the gate more. Many people here are really sad because offical reports are now saying that it could have been saved.

  3. I didn't even realize Kate was in primary... she's already 3? She's growing way too fast. She sure is a cutie! That's so funny, "but I don't swim."


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