Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Doug!

Yesterday was Doug's birthday! We went down to the Indian buffet in Lakewood for lunch, and then went to the park. It was a beautiful day--the most sunshine we've seen for quite a while.

My family did the calling-and-singing (badly) thing--except for Barb and Kyle, who decided to buck tradition and sing nicely. Kate seemed rather bemused by the whole thing. ("Who are these people and why do they keep calling and singing Happy Birthday? And why do they sound like drowning cats?") When we sang to Barb (it was her birthday too) I asked Kate if she wanted to join in, but she didn't. She's recently learned the "Do as I'm doing" song--perhaps we should work on Happy Birthday next.


  1. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Kyle seems to enjoy singing Happy Birthday, and he especially likes to throw in some harmony at the end, so I can't bear to mess it up. It sure is funny to hear Betsey sing, though.

  2. Happy Birthday Doug. Helena, thanks for that link to the blog of the family in China - it is great, she is such a font of information! It has helped so much being able to read stuff and glean information about the big move. I have just found out that blogs are being retricted in China right now - I am worried - right now that is all I do. Do you thin we are crazy? We accepted a position in a country with no blogs and religion is restricted - my two main interests?

  3. Happy Happy Birthday Doug dear
    May happy days come to you all year
    If I had one wish then it would be
    a happy happy birthday to you from me!

  4. Happy Birthday Doug! My family does the whole sing bad thing too, lol.

  5. Anonymous10:21 PM

    You don't like how I sing? :'(

  6. We love how you sing. :D

  7. I love how Betsey sings too.

    Happy Birthday Doug, and Helena too!
    Love, Mom

  8. Anonymous5:40 AM

    Happy Birthday!!!

  9. Okay, that's funny because we always seem to have bad happy birthday singing too, haha! Happy Birthday Brother Jole!!


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