Saturday, November 24, 2007

After the sorting

I finished up all the contact sheets for 2006! After blogging about my archiving system I went on a tear and have been doing little else for days. I still have lots of CDs to burn, but I've got the photos all sorted and the contact sheets all done. It was looking at that did it. Since I'd said that I wanted to get a book of the contact sheets printed, I was checking out their options and looking at examples of things other people had done, and thought, "Yeah! I want to get a book printed! Let's do it!"

I found their template interface a bit limiting, and I ended up having to put the file numbers on each page in Photoshop to get them exactly the way I wanted, but it was pretty easy. While Doug braved the early morning Black Friday crowds to hit the sale at Tandy Leather (everyone's favorite day-after-Thanksgiving shopping destination, of course), I was home designing a cover for my book. Here's a screen shot of the cover in blurb's "Booksmart" software:

It was so hard to pick out just a few photos for the cover. I wanted to keep it kind of minimalist--it's just the contact sheets, after all, it's not like I'm designing a coffee table book. Though I'd like to design a coffee table book. I'd like to make a big book of Betsey's pictures from Costa Rica and her hilarious emails. That would be fun.

This morning I went through and proofed all the pages (which was good, because I did have a few mistakes) and then uploaded and placed my order. Woo hoo! I'll post pictures when I get it.

We spent a quiet Thanksgiving day at home and then went over to Rebecca's house in the evening for leftovers and a vicious game of Settlers of Catan. Kate enjoyed hanging out with Glorie Jean while we played. We're not sure how Glorie Jean felt about it.


  1. Anonymous3:18 AM

    That's a great idea for storing the photos. I'd love to hear you comments after the book arrives.

    I wanted to say thanks for sharing your organizing plan, but I keep reading your blog at work and I can't post on blogger from my laptop there.

  2. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Wow. This looks really good--M


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