Sunday, October 21, 2007

Finding Shin Tae Ho

Over a year ago, I posted about how I'd been trying to track down Shin Tae Ho, a friend from Korea. A few weeks ago I tried another google image search and found him at yet another site (an online English institute). I emailed the webmaster but got nothing back, so then I emailed Eva, who's teaching in Suwon (for just a little longer), and her friend Tae Hun called the institute for me and, with a little persistence, got Shin Tae Ho's email address. So I wrote, and, amazingly, he wrote back! He's got two kids now, a boy and a girl, and he said he'll make a blog sometime and post pictures of them. He also said that he tells his students about me. This makes me wonder if he still has that list of things that Derek (the other guy from BYU) and I said at the office, while working on that internship. We didn't know he was doing this at first, but he would write down just random things that we said--usually single sentences with no context--as examples of "everyday English." It was absolutely hilarious to read through.

Isn't the internet wonderful?

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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)