Friday, September 07, 2007

11 years

Yesterday was our eleventh anniversary. It was pretty low-key, since I ended up sick, but we did get some pictures at the park the day before. I found Shanna (at digishoptalk) who was willing to come take some pictures with my camera, so we met down at Point Defiance. Kate was not into the picture-taking thing, and Shanna and my camera apparently had some disagreement that manifested itself as focusing problems. We ended up with a lot of not-very-usable shots, but we did get a few cute ones.

I've come down with a head cold, most likely picked up from the little darlings in the nursery at church. I was wiping a lot of noses this last week.


  1. Happy Anniversary! Many Years!

    I hope you feel better, being sick is no fun.

  2. Happy anniversery, cute pics. I am driving up to Seattle tommorow.

  3. I love Point Defiance, it's so pretty there! Happy Anniversary! Sorry you're not feeling well, hope you get well soon! :)

  4. Congrats on 11 happy years! Here's to 55 more, give or take a few. :)

  5. Happy Anniversary! Way to go on 11 years and wishing you many mnay more!
    Very cute photos! Cute Family!

  6. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Helena and Doug, Happy Anniversary to you. I love the pictures and as always, I smile when I look at your precious Kate. She is beautiful!


Thanks for stopping by! We love comments!

(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)