Friday, August 31, 2007

One potato, two potato

After I mentioned that I've been using my potato print leaf stamps a lot and should make more, I decided to do some for the September mega kit at NDISB, which has a fall/harvest theme. So I've been carving potatoes and making a mess. Kate was very interested but I was mean and wouldn't let her help. I'll have to make up something that she can play with with. Maybe out on the porch, with one of my old T-shirts on. That would work.

I really like the way this one turned out. It has a neat washy look to it. I'm making it a free sample--click the picture to get the png. (Do a "save as" to download it.)

The mega kit will be up at NDISB around the middle of September (free with purchase--there'll be a code in the newsletter). The stamps will also be available separately later.

Only three potatoes were harmed in the making of this project, but I went through an unreasonable amount of paper.

(Update:  Since NDISB has closed, these stamps are available here.)  


  1. Anonymous9:54 AM

    My first to comment and check your blog! Nice banner:) And cute freebie! Have a great long weekend!

  2. This looks wonderful, thanks for stopping by my blog today :)

  3. Your blog banner is gorgeous!
    The potato leaf print is so lovely!

    What a great blog you have here! Thanks for stopping by mine!

  4. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Thanks for the fun freebie! Do let Kate in on the fun. You could probably make up a kit from her creations. ;)

  5. Anonymous5:40 AM

    You carved those from a potato? I'm in awe! I'd have a mess of raw, bloody potato if I tried it. SO cute!

  6. Oooh, what a lovely design! Thanks for sharing!


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