Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The shadow knows

I've spent a good part of the day today making shadows. It ended up taking a bit longer than I was expecting, but it's amazing the difference a good shadow makes. Here's one of the pieces I've been working on, without the shadow:

And here it is with the shadow:

These are for the monthly collaborative mega kit at ndisb. I'm in charge this month. I wanted to call it "Stratford-Upon-Avon," but we ended up with kind of a broader scope so we have changed the name to "Hey Nonny Nonny." It's period, but vague. Says so much without actually meaning anything.

Edit: the ribbons are now available separately.


  1. Ok, my questions to you!

    1) Are the rest of your siblings also named after family members?

    2) What novel do you find yourself rereading often, and why?

    3) Do you hope to take Kate to Korea at some point?

    And, my two stocks -

    4) Who is your favorite Beatle, and why?

    5) What is your favorite song by an artist/band you usually dislike?

    And, a bonus 6th question - did you go see Great Big Sea at the Zoo recently? I thought of you every time I heard the advert.

  2. Wow! The shadoes grounds it and makes it look 1000% time better. You are very talented.

  3. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Beautiful shadowing, Helena! It really pops off the screen with the shadow in place.

  4. Helena, you are so clever. I love you designs and photos.

  5. I LOVE these ribbons. The shadowing is fantastic. Your attention to detail is beautiful.

    Here is a layout I created with the wrapped ribbon:

    One of the comments was specifically about the shadowing of the ribbon.

    --Pam in Missouri

  6. Wow, thanks Pam! That is a beautiful layout!


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)