Sunday, August 12, 2007

"I need more letters!"

Since I posted less than two months ago about Kate recognizing a few letters, she has learned the entire alphabet and the sounds that the letters make. She just loves letters. One of her favorite things to do is go out and paint letters on the porch (with water). I make the letters and then she comes along behind me and traces over them--or sometimes she traces the lines pretty well, and sometimes she kind of colors them in--and when she gets to the end she says, "I need more letters! I love letters!" (Doug once, when asked for more letters, gave her a thorn and eth. I told him not to confuse her.)

We got this Leapfrog video out of the library, that has a little song (to the tune of "The Farmer in the Dell") that goes, "The A says aah, the A says aah, every letter makes a sound, the A says aah!" and goes through every letter of the alphabet. Sometimes we sing it together while we're painting. (Kate still has her pronunciation quirks, so some of the sounds don't come out quite right, but she knows what they are.) She can also identify the letters just fine in isolation, not just in order or with the song.

Kate has also figured out that letters make words, and she's started trying to figure out what the words say, which she does purely by guessing from the context. It's awfully cute. Like the time she was looking at the cover of The Land Before Time and read, "T-I-M-E. That spells dinosaurs!" Of course she's got a long way to go before she's actually reading, but she's very interested in letters and words and books, which we think is great fun.

Kate talks in her sleep sometimes. Often something like, "I want to hold it!" which she says a lot when she's awake. The other night I saw her smile to herself in her sleep and murmur, "W-X-Y-Z!" Maybe she was dreaming about painting letters on the porch.


  1. LOL too cute! Love the adorable photos and your story about her! :)

    We just moved from Fort Lewis down here to GA in April and I really miss it up there. We're going to CO next and I can't wait! :)

  2. she's too adorable. My little one has a leap frog fridge magnet thingy that has the letters and does the sounds the same way the video does. It entertained her for HOURS..and helped me out keeping her busy in the kitchen when i was cooking

  3. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Hi Helena,

    It's amazing that she has that much control at this age. It won't be long before she's ready for tracing paper, but it would probably be best to wait on that until the weather turns colder and she can't get outside as much. You were absolutely bonkers about tracing paper for about 6 months at age 3, and literally traced everything you could get your hands on. It looks like she's following in her Mama's footsteps. Love, Mom

  4. That's so awesome! I love her writing her letters.

    You should read her "On beyond Zebra" by Dr. Seuss.

  5. Smart Kate! I love the painting with water idea. I'll have to try that. Cole still struggles with the alphabet. He is too busy being physical, having sword fights, plundering pirate ships etc. Slowing dow to learn cramps his style, lol!

  6. That's so cute!! I love that age; it's so fun! Painting with water is definitely one of the best inventions ever!

  7. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Wow! It looks like she is doing really well! You should get her the Leap Frog Fridge Phonics (you can see it at Toys R Us...I'd post a link but I don't know how to do the html); it does the same song as your library video, but they can put the magnets of each letter in and out. Kaleb loves his!

  8. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Ooops...guess I should have read the comments before I posted---now you've got TWO recommendations!

  9. Love this post and the photos! I'll have to remember this the next time I babysit my nephew.


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