Thursday, June 28, 2007

Hair today

I donated my hair! I've been thinking about doing this for a while--the last time I got my hair trimmed was right after Kate was born, and it had gotten all ragged and uneven, plus it was taking forever to dry after I took a shower (which can make things difficult when you're, say, trying to get to church on time). So I finally bit the bullet and went and did it. They took off about twelve inches. I wanted it long enough that I could still put it back in a ponytail, for swimming and stuff. I haven't figured out yet exactly what I'm going to do with it, but I imagine it'll be nice for summer. Here are the after pictures:

I told Doug that last one was my Alan Doyle impersonation, but his hair is cooler than mine.


  1. Anonymous6:18 PM

    WOW! You cut your hair. I'll bet it feels so different now that you have a lot less weight. Good for you for the donation. I have always thought that was such a worthwhile cause. Your hair is going to make someone feel very beautiful! You did good, my friend. I'm proud to know you - I'm sure it was hard to part with your locks.

  2. WOW! I have always wanted to donate my hair but can never let it row long enough! Good for you!

  3. Anonymous4:36 AM


  4. Anonymous7:19 AM

    It looks great! Have you thought about maybe changing your style a little? Getting rid of the middle part perhaps?

  5. Yep! Working on that right now. :)

  6. i think it looks makes you look younger as well.


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