Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The big 2.5

Kate is officially two and a half today! A quarter of a decade. Wow. I took this picture this morning. She looks so serious and grown up. We can see little differences every day, in the way she's developing more control over her coloring, and stringing more words together in new ways all the time.

Kate has been very interested in letters lately. She points out letters on things and we tell her what they are. We've also been playing with the Starfall site a lot. She knows A, B, O, and S, and probably a few others as well. Her newest thing is that whenever I hold her up to the sink to wash her hands, she points to the knobs and says "C for cold, H for hot!" Except she keeps getting it wrong and says "H for cold."

A couple of pictures of Kate and letters:

At Kids Zone at the zoo (or, as Kate calls it, "the looz,") there's a big rubber-paved area that has words like "SWING!" "JUMP!" "SLIDE!" Kate points to the letters one at a time, and we say them out loud. "W-I-G-G-L-E," and then when we get to the end we say, "exclamation point--dot!" I think she likes that part.


  1. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Remember Victor Borge and his Phonetic Punctuation?
    ~Julie (littlefish)

  2. Anonymous8:02 PM

    heehee, Jaylene's really into apostrophes right now ;)

  3. Awwww...whatta cutie!! It's amazing how fast they grow up isn't it?


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)