Saturday, March 17, 2007

Rainy Day Kate

Spring is here! We've had some lovely sunny days interspersed with clouds and drizzle. Kate is loving spending more time outside, even if it is a bit wet out. On this particular day she was intrigued by a puddle outside our complex where the water drips down from the roof. She didn't want to come in, so I got the camera. It's been a while since I posted some good screen-saver material for Grandma, anyway!

Our friend PDR sent us this cute pink coat for Kate. It brightens up our cloudy days! And it's big enough that she should be able to use it for at least another year. I especially like the hood, which stays up well.

After sitting, and rolling, in the wet grass, Kate had to have a full change of clothes, but she had a good time. In one of those pictures she's yelling at a seagull overhead.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! Does that pink jacket color just pop on an overcast day or what! Amazing photos, Helena!


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