Friday, March 30, 2007

Baby Blue-Eyes and a Crash

I've got this digi kit that I've been working on, off and on, since about last June. It's based around the baby blue-eyes wildflowers that we found at the park in this post. So I finally finished it and got it all packed up, got the previews made and everything (which always takes longer than it seems like it should) and NDISB's server got overwritten by their host. Ack! The whole site is gone. Theresa is working hard on restoring what she can from an older backup. In the meantime, I wanted to share here.

There are some complicated transparent and glassy effects that I had fun with, and a handmade-style paper with petal and leaf inclusions. Hopefully I can get it up in the store soon!


  1. Gorgeous close-ups on those beads! Say hello to everyone in your cast cast credits! :)

  2. Woahhhhhh, that is just amazing, Helena!! I can't wait to see it in the store. The store is our number 1 priority right now. It may not be pretty at first, but it'll be back, and eventually, better than ever!!!

  3. Wow - that's really neat looking! Gorgeous layout! And cutie little girl too! :-) Jill (pea Jill_Ilene)

  4. Ohhhh! What a gorgeous page (and 2 yo girlie!!) and kit! It's just all too beautiful! Can't wait for it to be in the store!

  5. Helena - what an amazing kit! The detail is just incredible!

    Mellykat :)


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)