Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Kate at 39 weeks (and nine months!)

I took these on Monday over at the new apartment, while we were moving stuff in. Kate likes the carpet over there. (It's new! I almost feel bad about moving in there with a baby. Almost.) She's getting around a little better--we've seen her go forwards a few "steps" at a time, but there's still a lot of backwards and sideways action. She's fun to watch.

Kate marked her nine-month birthday yesterday by falling off the bed. We were both rather shaken up by the experience, though she seemed more surprised than hurt.


  1. love the weekly update. she's so cute. enjoy this phase where it's hard to get around. my books have not stayed on my bookshelf since Libby learned to crawl. LOL!

  2. Oh my goodness, she's mobile! No guilt about the carpets, they make carpet cleaners, you know ;)

    Sorry she fell off the bed - happens to all of us, but the guilt, oh my!

  3. Anonymous10:04 PM

    She is just so gosh darn cute, Helena! I can't believe she's getting so big!

  4. She's so adorable Helena. :)

  5. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Ahh yes the falling off the bed - happened to my oldest but he's fine and well (10 yrs old now - haha)glad she's okay. :) And now she's mobile oh fun fun fun - enjoy keeping up with the little one they grow so quickly! :)


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