Monday, September 26, 2005


While we were in Ohio we got to go geocaching with our friends Julie and Mark and their four kids. We went looking for this cache, on the grounds of the Ohio Soldiers and Sailors Orphans Home in Xenia. It's a multi-cache, which means that you go around to several different places and find clues to get the coordinates for the next site.

We liked the architctural details on the front of this chapel. The clue we were looking for was in the graveyard behind it, but some grounds maintenance people told us that there was a hornet or yellow jacket nest back there and someone had been stung earlier that day, so we stayed by the chapel while Mark went and found the clue.

J.C. up a tree.

Twins Chris and Josh check out a daddy-long-legs on the sidewalk.

Back on the hunt again! Kate is perfectly happy on walks, as long as she has something to hold.

Emma gets a "one, two, three, WHEEEEEE!"

Julie found the cache! It's an ammo box with various "treasures," and a notebook for signing in.

If you take something out, you leave something behind. The kids crowd around to see what they want.

Emma has an egg.

"Take a picture of my dog!"

This egg was in the cache also, but we left it for someone else.

We had a nice morning out, walking around the grounds and enjoying the cool breezy weather, and we got home in time to go out to lunch with my family.


  1. Glad to see you posting and back from your trip. Kate is just to adorable for words. Love love your photos all of them. Happy moving!! Hugs Wanda

  2. geocaching looks like such fun! I want to try it some time.

  3. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Oh my gosh---we geocache!! fun!

  4. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Hi, I'm doing some research into GPS related search 'keywords' e.g. 'gps device' for a client. I need to talk to people who regularly search for GPS related information. I've found some people via gps device but I need to talk to more. Can you suggest where else to try?


Thanks for stopping by! We love comments!

(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)