Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Say it isn't so!

I'm going to say something that is sure to shock and dismay some people.

Doug doesn't like They Might Be Giants.

(Pause for collective gasps...)

Fortunately this has not been a big sticking point in our marriage, which is a good thing for me, especially since I've been wandering around the past few days singing "I don't know whether I'd rather be having a bottle of vinegar, I don't know whether I'd rather be having an egg, I don't know whether I'd rather be having an order of bacon or whether I'd rather be having a basket of garlic bread...."

Also fortunately for me, he does like a lot of "funny" songs, like stuff by Heywood Banks, Ookla the Mok, the Arrogant Worms (to name a few). Clever lyrics have always been high on my list. Actually the first time I saw Doug was at a filk-sing in a friend's basement. I guess you could say we "met" there, though I don't think I said anything to him at the time. He was there with his fiddle. I was there to sing songs like "Never Set the Cat on Fire" and "You Can Build a Mainframe from the Things you Find at Home."

Doug and I are a good match. Our senses of humor are very similar, usually. We laugh at a lot of the same things. Becky sent us "Title of the Song," by DaVinci's Notebook, and Doug just about fell out of his chair the first time he listened to it. (Incidentally, Becky just posted about going to the LDS music festival, so I just wanted to say that we were listening to Border Crossing's "Happy Little Duck" song the other day, and Doug said that the "vise-grip heart" line is some really nice imagery.) They Might Be Giants is just a little too random, a little too surreal for Doug. But that's okay. We're not going to let such a little thing get in the way of familial bliss. Even my sister Betsey, who embroidered "TMBG" on her backpack, likes Doug. She told me.

Right now I'm sitting at the computer in the living room, and I can hear Doug in the bedroom with Kate, playing "I'm a Little Teapot" on his cittern. What a cool daddy.


  1. ah, "vise grip heart" is one of my favorite lines too. it's right up there with "it may sound funny, but it's not your duck."

    I don't know what to say about Doug not liking TMBG. how can you not like the Giants? sigh. i'm afraid my view of Doug may take a few days to recover ;)

    but his playing "I'm a Little Teapot" on a cittern is deffinitely cool!

  2. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Even funnier is the fact that they wrote that song sitting in my living room on Valentine's Day! LOL Thank heavens it's not an autobiographical song!

    Love the image of Doug playing "I'm A Little Teapot" for Kate. Now that's daddy at his finest. Even if he doesn't like TMBG. ;)

  3. Oh dear, Helena, I'm so sorry. (vbg) - I'm just loving that my nephew is growing up on TMBG children's songs! Bwahahaahahah!


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