Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Kate at 35 weeks

We went painting again yesterday and I got a lot done. Hooray! Doing the Monday photo shoot out at Sylvia's house does have its drawbacks. There are some great places to take pictures, but Kate keeps having blowouts, and then I have to change her into her spare clothes, which are never as cute as the ones I picked out to start with. But we found a fun prop!

(Technical photo stuff follows:) I really need to shoot in manual when I do these pictures by the window. I underexposed by 2/3 stop, for the dark background, which works pretty well, but then the settings kept changing as I moved around. On some of them the shutter speed got down to 1/40 of a second and I didn't notice. Of course they were all pretty blurry, except for this one, strangely enough. Handheld at 1/40 and still fairly sharp. I'm the queen of camera shake, so I was pleasantly surprised.


  1. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Beautiful baby! Cole is waving to her and saying "Hi Baby"!

  2. Anonymous1:18 AM

    I did not know you have been taking beautiful portraits of your li'l baby. She's a PRETTY baby and your photography is great. I'm glad you were able to get the camera you wanted.

  3. Anonymous1:19 AM

    p.s. And the baby, more especially!


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