Friday, November 11, 2016

Aunt Betsey's Visit

My sister Betsey came to see us! She flew in Saturday night and left Friday morning, so we had a good five solid days to spend together. We had a great time exploring and just talking and laughing together.  The kids especially enjoyed having her here. 

Finding crabs at Chambers Bay.

Yummy challa made with imported flour that Betsey can eat!

Nisqually Wildlife Refuge.  Washington in the fall can be rather soggy, but we lucked out and got some good weather.

Chambers Bay playground.

Playing Settlers of Catan (in which no one rolled a 7 the whole game!)

Point Defiance.

We hiked from the Rhododendron Garden up to the Gig Harbor viewpoint (with a few detours off the "spine trail"). I've never done that before. It was a bit muddy in places but we made it through largely without incident.

No biking, no falling.

Another Chambers Bay sunset. We could see it on the way home, so we ran down to the bay to get a picture.

Lunch at Chung Ki Wa. It was fabulous.

Tree hugging at Snake Lake.

Kate and Tavah.

Kate made these cute collars and tags for Rose and Olivia.

We had a super fun time together! We love you Betsey!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a wonderful week (and there certainly seem to be some lovely places to visit; Washington is definitely on my bucket list). No biking, no falling, but you can carry a truncheon while walking your dog. ;-)


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