Tuesday, September 06, 2016

20 years

We've been married twenty years! Welda Jolley came over and took some pictures for us, and actually got Andy to smile for the camera.  (Amazing!)

Does it feel like twenty years?  Maybe--in that weird way where things can feel like a lifetime and like the blink of an eye in the same moment.  On September 6, 1996, Doug and I embarked on this journey of married life.  We spent a few exciting years being foreigners, and then moved on to the exotic adventures of parenting and home ownership, and all the various unending minutiae of Real Life Adult-ing.  There are challenges along the way--both expected and unexpected--and blessings and opportunities and little triumphs.  It's sometimes a little bumpy, sometimes crazy.  I've got a good partner to share the ride. 

 We aren't doing anything major to celebrate (aside from going out to dinner--thanks Mom!)  but looking forward to next year when we're planning our trip to Korea.  Can't wait! 


  1. Congratulations; I hope you had a lovely celebration, and your plans for next year sound very exciting. I don't think I knew how newly-wed you were when I met you in Newfoundland in 1998 ... and doesn't that seem forever ago as well!


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)