Sunday, December 06, 2015

The Paper Lantern Experiment

I've been drooling over papercut lanterns on Pinterest. I've also seen some cool things done with gelli printing on deli paper. Combining the two seemed like a logical progression. I'd been tossing ideas around in my head and decided that the occasion of our book club white elephant gift exchange would be the ideal time to attempt to throw something together. I did not quite get it done in time, what with nativity painting and Cub Scout meeting and whipping up a batch of pretzels, so I brought it home afterwards to finish up.

Kate and I spent Sunday morning before church sitting across the kitchen table from each other, working on our projects. (She's been making Sculpey dragons.) My favorite part was choosing which part of the gelli print to use for each shape. I discovered that it worked better to cut out all the pieces and then glue them in place, to avoid getting glue on the papers while choosing.

I had a battery-powered tea light that I'd picked up at the dollar store. The deli paper is thin but the light turned out to be a lot dimmer and more yellow than what I was wanting. I'll have to see if I can find something that will work better. It does look pretty cool!

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