Saturday, November 21, 2015

Painted Marshmallow Creatures

In preparation for Kate's three-week electronic fast, I came up with some projects for us to do together.  This one came from a combination of two things--toothpick-and-marshmallow creations at Cub Scout day camp, and an idea from Color Me Katie.  Marshmallows, toothpicks, food coloring, and brand-new clean paintbrushes.

It can be hard to get a good thin line. The brushes soak up a lot of food coloring, and release it rather blotchily. Takes some practice.

My collection of creatures.

Kate's creations.

It's a fun activity (slightly messy). Kate did eat a couple of the marshmallows--the intense concentration of food coloring makes for some exciting mouth-staining.

1 comment:

  1. *giggles* That looks so fun!! Why is she having an electronic fast? 3 weeks, my gosh... is Andy going to do it too?


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