Saturday, October 31, 2015

Little Black Cat-Dragon

This is what Kate came up with for Halloween this year--a cat-dragon. We got her a black hoodie and I picked up some black fleece and pink satin a while ago, but I've been so busy painting that I haven't been able to work on it much. I found some time this week to squeeze in working on the ears and spikes, and then today I did a rush job on the wings and tail and got it all finished. The ears turned out more like horse ears than cat ears, but she looks pretty cute!

I just made straps on the wings to connect them to the arms, rather than stitching along the whole sleeve. (I was in a hurry!)

Doug took her down to Michaels this afternoon for a bag-decorating and face-painting activity.  (Cute bag--Doug said he and Kate worked on it together.)

We had some pretty heavy wind and rain earlier today, but by evening it had let up a bit, so Doug and I threw on our hanboks (and put the green dragon cape on Andy) and we went down to the trunk-or-treat at the church.  (It's at 6:00.  They say if you get there at 6:15 all the candy is gone.)  Then Doug took Kate out around the neighborhood while I stayed home with Andy.  He might be coming down with something so we didn't want to stress his immune system.  They were out for quite a while so they must have had a good time, rain and all!

Happy Halloween!

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