Monday, October 12, 2015

I would walk 500 miles (and 500 more)

My sister Betsey, finding herself ready for a life-changing experience, is walking the Camino de Santiago through France and Spain.  My friend Rebecca was the one who suggested it, as she was getting ready to walk it as well (the above is a gelli print that I made for Rebecca earlier--the scallop shell is a symbol of the pilgrim's road).

The most well-known part of the road is the 500-mile French Way (featured in the movie The Way with Marin Sheen) but Betsey, who is the original author of the term "we do it the hard way," decided to add an additional 500 miles to the journey by walking the Le Puy route through southern France first.  She's been blogging about it at A Nice Day for a Walk and we have all been loving following her adventures and gorgeous photos. After a month of walking she made it to St.-Jean-Pied-de-Port (the beginning of the French Way) and is crossing the Pyrenees into Spain.

You can read Betsey's own words about her reasons behind her pilgrimage here.  She's been through some amazing changes in her life and we're just thrilled that she's able to do this.  It's inspiring.  Makes me want to go walk somewhere.  (I did see where there's a guy who's trying to establish a pilgrimage route in Korea.  Hmmmm....)

Buen Camino, Betsey!  You're halfway there!

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