Friday, August 21, 2015

Josh and Heather

I got to take pictures for Ross and Cathryn's older son's wedding reception. Josh and Heather were recently married in Utah.  (They met at BYU, and I understand a mutual fondness for Batman may have been involved.) 

We got some pictures at the house before heading over to the reception. Here's Josh surrounded by a bevy of beauties.

The reception was at this gorgeous house on the water, looking across to Raft Island. The sun was going down and the lighting was excitingly dramatic.

Oldest sister Brittany's kids.

The kids kept wanting to help carry the train. So cute!

The family! Dad Ross had to be away for work, and younger son Seth is serving a mission in Florida.  (It's rather shocking to see everyone so grown up--I remember them like this.)

Cathryn with the newest grandbaby (Brittany's fourth), Ellie Jane. Awww!

Gorgeous sunset!

Newlyweds on the dock.

I ran up onto the lanai for a bird's-eye perspective while they went all the way out to the end. (Heather was so cute, holding her dress up and skipping down the dock.)

It was a really lovely evening.  I got only slightly lost finding my way back through Gig Harbor (in the dark!)  Congratulations to the happy couple!

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