Wednesday, July 15, 2015

A Day Downtown

At the top of this fountain is Theater Square, where we had a picnic lunch. (Photo by geomorph--I didn't have my camera with me.) When Kate saw it, she squealed, "A water feature!" And later, as she was gazing out over the railing eating her sandwich, she said, "I know who owns the castle--it's the pigeons!"

We went downtown with my friend Sara and two of her girls (I navigated and didn't botch it up too badly).  We parked across from Freighthouse Square and rode the LINK, went to the Children's Museum for a while, ate our lunch in the square, and  enjoyed all the fountains.  (I had to keep pulling Andy away from them--his idea of enjoying fountains is more, shall we say,  immersive.)  It was a lovely day for a walkabout.  And while waiting to cross the street we ran into Noel Koran of Tacoma Opera, who told me that they've got me down for all three shows this season.  A great day indeed.

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