Saturday, March 15, 2014

Back to the Ol' Cutting Board.

One of the ladies that I visit teach just had a birthday, and I was feeling the creative bug, and it had been a while since I'd done some papercutting... so this happened.  I didn't intend for it to be quite this elaborate, but it was a fun project.

The cutting part took maybe about three hours.. I find it relaxing. (Kind of zen--get in the cutting zone.) I moved Doug's little work lamp over to my computer desk and sat and listened to NPR podcasts while I worked. I was able to get a lot done while Andy was at preschool, and then finished it up after he got back and we had lunch.

The finished product! I don't think I've combined paper cutting with torn edges before--it just came to me in a flash of inspiration, and I love how it turned out.  (I tore the edges before tracing my design onto the back.) 

After this I recreated the whole thing in Adobe Illustrator.  I've been trying, off and on, to familiarize myself with the program enough to be able to create cool vector graphics like I used to do in Corel Draw.  I think I'm finally getting the hang of it.  Yay!


  1. This is so gorgeous! What a great visiting teacher, to do all that! I want one! :)

  2. Beautiful! You have so many talents. :)


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