Monday, February 10, 2014

Snowy Sunday

We got snow! While much of the rest of the country has been buried, we have been persistently snow-less. (We did get a little bit back in November.)  We saw some pictures of  the snow in Portland, and by Saturday night it had made it up to our area.  Looked like about three inches total.

Kate was so excited. We have church at 9:00 this year, but she had about half an hour to play before getting ready. And of course I had to go out and get some pictures.

It started raining by that afternoon, and we were pretty much back to normal the next day.  No school closure this time.  Church was rather sparsely attended, though!

1 comment:

  1. We decided to not chance the roads to church, and stayed home.
    Great photos, glad Kate had fun


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