Friday, February 14, 2014

Love Craft

We had a Relief Society activity making cards for nursing home residents, and I was asked to come up with some sample cards.  And because I'm never one to let time constraints or sanity stand in the way of a crafty idea, I carved my own stamps and made up a bunch of these letter tiles for people to use.  Anne Marie came over (she's my visiting teacher), and I put her to work. (It took us a few tries to figure out how to get a good print.) Playing with paper and paint is always fun. Doing it with a friend is even better. 

Kate made her own valentines again, and I threw something together for Andy at the last minute. (Thanks to Melany for the idea!) It was a busy couple of days.  Kate came down with a fever and had to miss her party, but I took her valentines in to her class. 

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