Sunday, November 17, 2013

Dragon Cartoons (by Kate!)

Just about every night, before bed, Kate draws while listening to an audiobook.  She's got a great confident line.  (I've never been very good at cartooning so this is fascinating to me.  She gets it from her dad!) She fills up pages and pages--too much to keep up with--but I picked out just a few to share here.  I love their expressiveness.  She does great things with eyes and mouths. 


  1. I really like the one in the lower left-hand corner... something about the eyes and mouth together give it a lot of expression! Nice job.

  2. What an artist! I think someday she will be writing and illustrating books that everyone will love and adore. I'd love to know what was going through the mind of the one on the right!

  3. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Kate is a true artist! Those dragons are downright scary!

  4. Miss Lerin's Momma9:35 AM

    What great pictures! She is very talented!

  5. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Kate draws some great dragons! She's a great artist-would love to see more of her drawings :)

  6. These are GREAT pictures! Well done.

  7. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Very well done! You are an artist!

  8. They look great with a lot of details - My daughter (now 23 years old) have always been drawing and kept on as an adult and it give her much jou

  9. Beautiful artwork Kate! My little girl is 7, and her name is Anna. She said she loves your creative artwork!

  10. Great job, Kate. I like how you worked on showing the dragons' faces from different angles and with different emotions. :)

  11. Hi Kate! You don't know me but I'm a friend of your mom. I've long admired HER art work. When she started sharing yours, I was hooked! You have amazing talent and it is fun watching your talent grow as you get older. Keep up the good work!


    Miss Joy

  12. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Awesome dragon drawings, Kate!

    Thanks for sharing.

    Restless Spirit

  13. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Hi Kate,

    I think dinosaurs are so cool! I love how expressive your dinosaurs are. Keep on drawing and creating, you are a talented girl!


  14. Anonymous11:23 AM

    very nice work kate! so creative to use dragons, too. :)

  15. Melanie (mella)11:26 AM

    Hello Kate. Your dragons are amazing! You did a really good job on them. My favorite is the one on the bottom. Is it a boy or a girl dragon? I'm going to guess it's a girl dragon because she looks like she has long eyelashes. And even though she looks scared, I think she looks cute, too. Keep drawing - I can't wait to see more of your creations!

  16. These are great drawings, you should think of making a story to go with them. nice job.

  17. *Shannah*11:30 AM

    they are very expressive, I love them! my dd thinks they look like dragons that should be in the How To Train Your Dragon books!

  18. What great dragons! My daughter, Molly, would love them, too. She adores the How to Train Your Dragon books.

  19. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Katie, I am impressed with the details on the eyes. They really show a lot of emotion. Keep up the drawing! I enjoyed looking at your pictures.

  20. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Kate, your dragon sketches are awesome! You're so great a facial expressions and body language. There are tons of people that can sketch realistic looking animals but can't make them expressive. You've gotten the hardest part down and will.p continue to get better and better with age. You've definitely got a future in illustration and cartoons!


  21. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Dragons! Oh my they look as if they could jump right off the page and eat me right up! dragons even eat people??? What do they eat???

    Anyway, you are a very talented artist, Kate! Keep up the amazing work!

    - Jane in Nebraska

  22. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Kate! Your dragons are totally awesome!!!!

  23. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Wow, what an artist Kate is! My son, Aiden and I love her drawings.

    Great job Kate!

  24. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Kate - I LOVE all your drawings! Thay make me happy!!! Keep up the good work!

  25. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Kate- those dragons are AWESOME! I am super impressed by the expressions on their faces- you are very talented.

  26. Those are great. My son loves to draw dragons too!!

  27. Kate is a great artist! It looks like she might have a future in comics. :-)

  28. Kate - you are a very talented artist. I love the faces and how expressive they are. I especially love the one on the right hand side. I think it looks like a lady dragon who just saw something that made her say "AUGHH!!"
    Keep drawing Kate. I love your artwork.

  29. Love your dragons Kate! You're a great artist like your Mom!!!

  30. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Katie - love your dragons! Make sure you keep sharing, I'll be looking for YOUR work from now on!


  31. Kate, these are wonderful drawings! You are a very talented little girl. I don't think I've met many 8 year olds who have developed such a fantastic personal style and flair!

  32. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Wow! What great pictures. I love the details. I think it's cute that you even gave one dragon eyelashes. You're very talented.


  33. Great Job Kate! You did a great job showing the dragon's expressions! My son is 8 and in 3rd grade. He is really into drawing too.

  34. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Great job, Kate! I love the one saying, "I hate when that happens." That' one of my favorite sayings!

  35. Regina Phalange2:16 PM

    Wow Kate!! Those are some awesome dragons! I especially love the one on the right!

  36. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Wow! Your dragons are fantastic Kate! My favourite is the one on the right. Keep it up!

  37. Karenina3:29 PM

    Holy Canoli, Kate! Those are some great dragons. I really like the one on the right - he looks fierce!

    Keep up the good work!

  38. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Awesome Kate!

  39. Your drawings look fantastic Kate!! Good job!

  40. Anonymous11:04 PM

    My favorite is the one on the right - love the dragon's expression.

  41. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Very nice job, Kate! :)

    I really love the one with the speech bubble because the expression on that dragon's face is a great match for what it's saying. :)

  42. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Love your dragon drawings!! Keep up the good work and thank you for sharing them with us! :)


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