Sunday, July 14, 2013

Alphabet Attack

As we were preparing to go camping, I got the idea to make a set of foam letters for Andy that we could take along.  Unlike many other ideas that I get, I actually implemented this one right away--picked up some foam at Michael's, and then spent Sunday afternoon drawing and cutting out letters.  This is what happened next:  Andy fell asleep on the floor, and Kate labeled him. 

She thought this was hilarious and of course we had to get out the camera.  Which led to taking turns spelling out things upon the sleeping child:

(Andy is a very sound sleeper.) 

Kate pulls out the big guns--the whole entire alphabet!  If you look closely you might see Andy in there somewhere. 

Andy loves his letters, and was also quite intrigued by these pictures.  Perhaps he wonders how we took them.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. This is so funny!!! You did a great job making the letters.

  3. Why did I not see this before? It's hilarious!


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