Sunday, December 02, 2012

Nativity Singing

The Festival of the Nativity, which lasts for three days and displaces the three wards that meet in our building, includes hundreds of nativity sets on display, live performances, and the opportunity to dress up and get your picture taken. It's quite the production. I volunteered to be the photographer Friday evening, so I was there for three hours. It was pouring buckets that night but a fair number of people braved the rain and kept me busy taking pictures.

Kate was part of a multi-stake children's choir that performed Saturday afternoon. First time she's really done anything like this--I expect it was a good experience. Her favorite song was "Sing a Song of Merry Christmas," which is fast and fun.

Kate communes with Fake Sheep and Baby Jesus (also fake).

Checking out the nativities.

Saturday evening there was a Messiah sing-along. I thought we'd just go for part of it, but Kate didn't want to leave, so we ended up staying for the whole ninety minutes. (Andy had to be entertained elsewhere, so Doug and I took shifts.) It's hard to tell how Kate is taking these things--either performing or listening--she doesn't exactly sit there in rapt attention, soaking it all in. But she said she enjoyed singing, and she apparently loved the Messiah. It was very stirring, with the live orchestra and big audience. We ended up in the soprano section, which isn't what I normally sing, but I wasn't really familiar with the music anyway so it was just as well. (But boy, it does get high in places!) We'll definitely do this again.

We appreciate all the work that goes into the festival.  It's really a lovely way to get in the Christmas spirit.


  1. "Messiah" is an awesome piece of music. I've done alto and tenor on a few occasions (but never together!) and sing-a-long versions are a great way to do it. I'm not sure I'll get to one this Christmas, but it's definitely time to hunt out a recording and at least singalong to this (when I have a cold and a few extra notes in my lower register I can even do the bass arias, which is fun!). I'm really glad Kate enjoyed it. There's something very powerful and uniting about singing together in a choir.

  2. I've never done a sing-along of the Messiah, it sounds lovely. Congratulations to Kate on her signing.

  3. What a wonderful activity! Our stake has never done anything remotely like that. I'll have to suggest it for next year.


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